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Enjoy a Brewtiful Cup of Honest to Goodness Coffee

January 13, 2021 Honest to Goodness

Enjoy a brewtiful cup of coffee - with a conscience! Coffee is a force for peace in the war-torn region of Planadas, Colombia. The humble bean has created a legitimate income for local farmers, empowering them to move out of conflict and towards a more stable, sustainable future. 

Honest to Goodness Single Origin Colombian Coffee is sustainably produced by Asociación de Productores Ecológicos de Planadas (ASOPEP), an independent cooperative of 175 coffee growing families in the Planadas region of Tolima, Columbia.

ASOPEP is a social enterprise, run by the producers for the producers, allowing them to commercialise their coffee production and ensure a fair price for their beans. Nearly 30% of the workforce are former guerrilla fighters and the co-operative plays a crucial role in reintegrating these people into a peaceful life.

With the idea of inspiring the whole community to join the bean trade, weekly sessions are hosted at the ASOPEP labs to teach locals including children the art of cupping – the professional method for tasting and evaluating coffee.

With a special interest in supporting farmers in a sustainably-productive model (including organic farming), the ASOPEP has its sights set on the long term, building a legitimate, profitable industry that will thrive for future generations. 

Ready to try this sustainably sourced, delicious coffee? Shop Honest to Goodness Single Origin Colombian Coffee.

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