This refreshing brew features our gut-loving digestive loose leaf tea blend, designed to soothe, calm and support digestion. A custom blend of certified organic peppermint, lemon balm, ginger, fennel seed, chamomile and calendula, that is rich in anti-inflammatory and gut-healing properties. Enjoy after meals to give your digestive system a helping hand.
Brew loose leaf tea in boiling water for 10 minutes.
While brewing, pour chilled water into storage bottle.
Strain brewed tea and pour into bottle with chilled water.
Refridgerate for at least an hour.
Add ice, a squeeze of lemon juice, slice of lemon and pieces of cucumber to a glass.
Pour over brewed chilled iced tea.
Sweeten if you wish or enjoy this sugarfree drink!
2 tbsp Organic Loose Leaf Digestive Tea 500ml boiling water 500ml chilled water Lemon or cucumber (optional)
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