This flavour combination is such a winner in my books, mildly buttery and nutty. Light and plump unlike traditional whole wheat pasta.
Blanch 200g baby spinach in hot water. Cool and squeeze out water. Blanched spinach should weigh approximately 100g after pressing.
Place all ingredients including blanched spinach into a food processor and blend until dough forms. If dough is too wet, just add more flour. Note: If you don't like the speckled look and want a solid colour, simply blend eggs with spinach first, then proceed to add the rest of the ingredients.
Knead dough just enough to form a tight ball. Cover and rest 20 mins, knead again until dough is elastic, cover and rest at least 1 hour more.
Ready to roll, cut and cook to your liking. I like to use my pasta roller then hand cut to a wide serving size. This pasta plumps significantly in hot water, so roll it thin!