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Why Organic?

August 26, 2022 Honest to Goodness

Here at Honest to Goodness we believe in wholesome living that sustains both people and the planet. We want to make healthy living simple, sustainable & accessible. Learn how choosing organic can support the health of you and your family as well as the environment!

Organic food has been a hot topic for some time now, but what really is the difference? And, why should you care? Read on to learn the basics on organic food and farming and its benefits for both you and the earth! For more than three decades, organic certification has been the cornerstone of trust and integrity in Australia's organic industry. This well-established system not only streamlines consumer understanding but also instils confidence, nurtures export opportunities, and ensures a solid, unbiased framework for organic products.Food and ingredients produced via organic farming is food that is as natural as can be. Organic always means:

  • No synthetic chemicals, pesticides or herbicides
  • Made without artificial colours or preservatives
  • Livestock are free to roam
  • No routine use of antibiotics
  • No genetically modified ingredients (GMOs)

Benefits of certified organic


Tossing up between organic and non-organic products? Not sure why organic products are more expensive? Here are a few reasons why you should shop organic!

It's more nutritious. Studies have shown that organic food contains more vitamins, minerals and micronutrients than conventionally grown food so it can benefit your immune system.

There are no harmful pesticides used. The only ones that are used come from natural pesticides. This means no residue on the food you are eating and the farmers are not exposed to constant chemicals - and neither is the earth! Where as conventional agriculture uses fungicides, herbicides and synthetic pesticides. No matter how many times the food is washed, a residue of these chemicals remain on the food. 

organic farming

There are no artificial additives. Organic produce has no artificial ingredients, chemical flavourings, MSG or preservatives (including sulphur dioxide).

It tastes better! The careful organic farming practices that emphasise quality over quantity, the better welfare of animals and the lack of any filler ingredients allow the natural flavours of the food to shine through.

Tasty organic meal


Organic food isn’t just better for your health, it is also better for the environment! Organic farming practices:

Prevents the use of toxic chemicals. The chemicals used in conventional agriculture can be damaging to our environment, wildlife and health. Our climate is changing at a rapid rate. Eating organic and supporting organic farming can help slow climate change by allowing nature to rebalance itself after all the altering we have forced it to do over the years through conventional farming. 

Build healthy soil. Healthy soil is the basis for organic agriculture. Organic farmers use natural resources to maintain healthy soil that can sustain generations. Because the soil has no nasties in it, your food will in turn have all the nutrients it is supposed to have. 

Healthy soil on a organic farm

Encourage biodiversity. Organic farms respect the natural biodiversity of their environment, creating stable habitats for local wildlife and increasing how resilient a farm is to issues like bad weather, disease and pests.

Healthy farmland

Reduces pollutants in water health. When pesticides and fertilizers are used, damaging runoff can end up in our waterways. This runoff not only affects us, but the environment and animals as well.


While anyone can claim their product is organic, a certifying logo is your proof that the product you are buying not only talks the talk but walks the walk.

To be certified organic, farmers must undergo audits over a 1-3-year period, depending on previous farm chemical usage and the history of the land. The audits are to ensure the growing and manufacturing process is up to Australia’s organic standards and the 3-year period is to ensure full organic compliance.


In Australia, there are various organic certification bodies that have been approved by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS), such as:

  • Australian Certified Organic (ACO)
  • NASAA Certified Organic
  • The Organic Food Chain
  • The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute
  • Safe Food Production Queensland
  • The Tasmanian Organic Producers

We are an award-winning, certified organic company and all organic products sold by us are 3rd party verified by the ACO. The ACO is the largest and most trusted certifier for organic and biodynamic produce in Australia, taking 3 years to become certified.

All of our organic products are sourced and handled under strict ACO guidelines, ensuring their organic integrity remains intact. Being certified organic also means that the Honest to Goodness warehouse and production facility are never fumigated, and we continue to have yearly audits to maintain our certification.

Taste the difference with our organic range and eat your way to change!

Shop honest to goodness organic


Worthington, V. (2001). Nutritional Quality of Organic Versus Conventional Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains. The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, 7(2), 161-173. doi: 10.1089/107555301750164244

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